Dogs have actually eaten vegetables the whole period of their evolution, and that's a long time! As such, vegetables, particularly green leafy vegetables should form part of the domestic dog's healthy diet. Dogs need vegetables because they contain many important health promoting nutrients. The fiber your dog obtains from raw vegetables includes both soluble and insoluble fiber. Vegetables supply many other nutrients. Many of those nutrients are the ones that have been found to be in short supply in the modern dog's "civilized" diet. This includes difficult to obtain omega 3 essential fatty acids, most of a dog's vitamin needs, masses of enzymes and various anti-aging factors, including antioxidants and photochemical.
Broccoli is one of the most nutrient dense foods. It is dense in vitamin C, beta carotene, folic acid, calcium and fiber. It is also a good source of chromium. Like other members of the cabbage family, broccoli has demonstrated remarkable anticancer effects. Broccoli contains several important photochemical: beta carotene, indoles, and isothiocyanates and over thirty-three cancer preventative compounds. Research suggests that photochemical prevent carcinogens from forming, stop carcinogens from getting to target cells and boost enzymes that detoxify carcinogens.
Spinach contains twice as much iron as most other greens. Like other chlorophyll and carotene -containing vegetables, it is a rich source of antioxidants. Besides beta-carotene, it also supplies two other carotenes, lutein and zeaxanthin. Spinach has long had a reputation of being very high in nutrients. It is a good source of fiber, calcium, potassium and vitamins A, B6 and K.
Celery is rich in calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and iron, as well as vitamins A, B, C. The phytochemical 3-n-butyl phthalide, one of the components that gives celery its characteristic smell and taste, is especially potent as an anti-tumor agent. Along with the compound sedanolide, an aromatic ingredient also found in celery, 3-n-butyl phthalide significantly reduces the incidence of tumors in laboratory animals. It is said to decrease nervousness, and is used as an acid neutralizer.
The carrot is the king of the vegetables. It is the richest source of pro-vitamin A carotenes among commonly consumed vegetables. But unlike vitamin A, beta carotene and other carotenes in carrots do not cause toxicity. Beta carotene is also a powerful antioxidant. Carrots also contain vitamins B, C, D, E, K, riboflavin, niacin, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and iron. Carrots have repeatedly shown to nourish the optic nerve and significantly improve eyesight.
This is an excellent source of many essential nutrients. By weight, red peppers have three times as much vitamin C as citrus fruit. Moreover, red peppers are a very good source of beta carotene, and they offer a good amount of fiber and vitamin B6. Because capsicum stimulates circulation and enhances blood flow, it is considered food for the circulatory system and as a digestive aid. Red peppers are one of few foods that contain lycopene, a phytochemical that may help prevent various forms of cancer.
Yes, dogs can and do eat fruit. Wild dogs - domestic dogs, they all do it! Remember dogs are omnivores. They can eat almost anything. Fruits are mostly water. After that, the major nutrient in fruit is soluble carbohydrate. That is simple sugars. Energy foods. Fruit contains lots of fiber. It also contains vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants. Because fruit is a whole food, it also contains minerals, small amounts of protein and small amounts of fat. Two nutrients present in most raw fruits, vitamin A as carotene and vitamin C, make fruit a valuable food for your dog. The enzymes present in raw fruit, also make it important as part of your dog's diet, particularly if your dog is past middle age and showing the beginnings of degenerative disease.
Is it essential that dogs eat fruit?
No. All of the nutrients present in fruit can be obtained from other sources. However, by adding fruit to the diet, we ensure a wide variety of healthy foods. This gives the greatest chance of providing a balanced diet with plenty of longevity and immune system promoting nutrients. Any fruit can be fed to dogs, however tropical fruits are a particularly valuable food as they contain lots of antioxidants. Scientists have discovered that the enzymes and antioxidants present in fruit, many of which have not yet been identified, keep the skin and indeed the whole body free of degeneration and old age diseases.
Whole Apple
Unpeeled apples are especially high in non-pro-vitamin A carotenes and pectin. Pectin is a remarkable type of fiber that has been shown to exert a number of beneficial effects. Due to its gel forming fiber, it can improve the intestinal muscle's ability to push waste through the gastrointestinal tract. Pectin also binds to and eliminates toxins in the gut. Apples are also rich in beta carotene and vitamin C as well as several B complex vitamins including vitamin B6, folic acid and lots of potassium.
Whole Pear
Pears are an excellent source of water-soluble fiber, including pectin, which makes them useful in toning the intestines. Fresh pears contain potassium, which is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and carbohydrate metabolism. Pears also contain Vitamin C. An important antioxidant, Vitamin C is essential for helping prevent free radical damage.
Whole Grapefruit
Grapefruit is a good source of flavonoids, water soluble fibers, potassium, vitamin C, and folic acid. Grapefruit, like other citrus fruits has been shown to exert some anticancer effects in both human and animal studies. Grapefruit pectin has been shown to possess similar cholesterol lowering action to other fruit pectins. The whole fruit contains more pectin than the juice. Recently, grapefruit has been shown to normalize hematocrit levels. The word hematocrit refers to the percentage of red blood cells per volume of blood. Low hematocrit levels usually reflect anemia. High hematocrit levels may reflect severe dehydration or an increased number of red blood cells. Grapefruit seeds are well known as an anti-fungal agent in that their consumption kills many different types of parasites and assists the body in producing beneficial bacteria. A biologically active natural ingredient found in the seeds kills strep, staph, salmonella, e.coli, candida, herpes, influenza, parasites, fungi and traveler's diarrhea, and is used as an antibiotic, anti fungal, antiprotozoan and antiviral.
Whole Orange
Everyone knows that oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, but they have more to offer nutritionally than just this nutrient. One orange contains generous levels of folate (folic acid), potassium, and thiamin, as well as some calcium and magnesium. Equally important to the nutritional value of oranges is their supply of flavonoids, making oranges a valuable aid in strengthening the immune system, supporting connective tissues, and promoting overall good health. Oranges have been shown to protect against cancer, and fight viral infections.
Eggs are absolutely brilliant nutrition for your dog. Eggs are a whole food, and often regarded as being the perfect protein source. It is the one against which all other proteins are measured. Eggs contain a full compliment of minerals, including excellent levels of calcium (mostly in the yolk), all the vitamins except vitamin C and a range of high quality saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, the nutrient lecithin and the whole range of enzymes and other longevity factors always present in raw foods. The shell is removed in order to balance the calcium requirements in a natural diet. Egg yolks are an essential food for a dog with skin problems. They contain sulphur containing amino acids, biotin, vitamin A, essential fatty acids and zinc.
Flaxseed has been used for more than 10,000 years. The oil of the seed is a rich source of Essential Fatty Acids. Essential Fats, or Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential nutrients that the body can't produce itself. The only way to obtain these nutrients is through diet. EFAs are polyunsaturated fats, which are considered "good" fats. EFAs contribute to the healthy functioning of cell membranes, and are also critical for the synthesis of eicosanoids, a family of hormone-like substances that help in cell maintenance on a minute-to-minute basis. Just like other essential vitamins and minerals, EFAs are necessary for good health.
Flaxseed contains bioactive compounds called lignans, which have been proven to prevent cancer. Once consumed, lignans found in flaxseed are converted by bacterial action in the colon to mammalian lignans. They are then circulated through the intestinal tract and liver where their action is potentiated. In the body, mammalian lignans have estrogen-like and anti-estrogen effects. Scientists believe the effects of lignans on estrogen metabolism, in addition to their antioxidant properties, may explain why diets rich in lignans have a lower incidence of cancer. Evidence suggests that lignans may also be antioxidants, although the strength of their antioxidant activity is not yet clear. Other studies indicate flax lignans reduce cholesterol and prevent diabetes in animals. So far, scientists have isolated at least three flaxseed components with potential health benefits. The first is fiber, valuable for intestinal health. The benefits of the other two substances, alpha-linolenic acid (a type of omega-3 fatty acid) and lignans, suggests that these components may be helpful in prevention of heart disease and perhaps in treatment of chronic kidney disease.
Garlic is nature's antibiotic and often called nature’s wonder drug. There is no doubt that garlic does confer some health advantages. Garlic has been found to have effective antimicrobial properties, inhibiting the growth of both bacteria and fungi. Garlic helps stabilize blood pressure and gives a good solid boost to the immune system, keeping at bay infections of various sorts particularly upper respiratory tract infections. Much of it's success is due to various compounds of sulphur. Garlic is a health building and disease preventing herb. It is rich in potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, and selenium. It also contains calcium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 and some iron.
Kelp contains over 60 minerals and elements, 21 amino acids and simple and complex carbohydrates, which promotes glandular health, especially the pituitary, adrenal and thyroid glands. Kelp supplies a natural source of iodine and acts as an antibiotic to kill germs.
Alfalfa helps the body assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. This herb is a body cleanser, infection fighter and natural deodorizer. It is the richest land source of trace minerals and contains vitamins A, C, E, K, B and D. Alfalfa also contains bioflavonoids, and eight digestive enzymes to promote proper assimilation of foods.
Recently we had added further supplementation of these four additional ingredients. Scientific studies and recommendations from our staff nutritionist have influenced us to add these important and natural ingredients to the diets. Although these healthy ingredients are added in nominally small quantities, they support the new evidence that these ingredients are needed to form a more complete and fully nutritionally based product. We will always make changes when scientific evidence supports the change as beneficial to the needs of the animals we serve. We feel that the addition of these natural ingredients have made our products even better.
Cod Liver Oil - Natural
An excellent source of vitamin A and D and the omega-3 fatty acids. Proven to be an excellent source for improving coat quality.
Vitamin E
Important vitamin’s main function in the diet and in the body is as a potent antioxidant.
Zinc Oxide
This ingredient is important to promote good hair coat and promotes optimal growth and better activity levels.
Manganese Oxide
This micromineral functions as a component of several cell enzymes that catalyze metabolic reactions. Benefits in the diet include Increased growth, aids in reproduction and helps to balance lipid metabolism.
What Are Vitamins and Minerals?
Vitamins and minerals make people's bodies work properly. Although you get vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat every day, some foods have more vitamins and minerals than others.
Vitamins fall into two categories: fat soluble and water soluble. The fat-soluble vitamins — A, D, E, and K — dissolve in fat and can be stored in your body. The water-soluble vitamins — C and the B-complex vitamins (such as vitamins B6, B12, niacin, riboflavin, and folate) — need to dissolve in water before your body can absorb them. Because of this, your body can't store these vitamins. Any vitamin C or B that your body doesn't use as it passes through your system is lost (mostly when you pee). So you need a fresh supply of these vitamins every day.
Whereas vitamins are organic substances (made by plants or animals), minerals are inorganic elements that come from the soil and water and are absorbed by plants or eaten by animals. Your body needs larger amounts of some minerals, such as calcium, to grow and stay healthy. Other minerals like chromium, copper, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc are called trace minerals because you only need very small amounts of them each day.
What Do Vitamins and Minerals Do?
Vitamins and minerals boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs. For example, you've probably heard that carrots are good for your eyes. It's true! Carrots are full of substances called carotenoids that your body converts into vitamin A, which helps prevent eye problems. Another vitamin, vitamin K, helps blood to clot (so cuts and scrapes stop bleeding quickly). You'll find vitamin K in green leafy vegetable, broccoli, soybeans, and oatmeal. And to have strong bones, you need to eat foods such as milk, yogurt, and green leafy vegetables, which are rich in the mineral calcium.
Fuel for Growth
People go through a lot of physical changes — including growth and puberty — during their teenage years. Eating right during this time is especially important because the body needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to grow, develop, and stay healthy.
Eating a variety of foods is the best way to get all the vitamins and minerals you need each day, as well as the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and calories. Whole or unprocessed foods — like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, lean meats, fish, and poultry — are the best choices for providing the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and grow properly.
It's OK to eat foods like potato chips and cookies once in a while, but you don't want to overdo high-calorie foods like these that offer little nutritionally.
To choose healthy foods, check food labels and pick items that are high in vitamins and minerals. For example, if you're choosing beverages, you'll find that a glass of milk is a good source of vitamin D and the minerals calcium, phosphorous, and potassium. A glass of soda, on the other hand, offers very few vitamins or minerals — if any.
You can also satisfy your taste buds without sacrificing nutrition while eating out: Vegetable pizzas or fajitas, sandwiches with lean cuts of meat, fresh salads, and baked potatoes are just a few delicious, nutritious choices.
If you're a vegetarian, you'll need to plan carefully for a diet that offers the vitamins and minerals found primarily in meats. The best sources for the minerals zinc and iron are meats, fish, and poultry. However, you can get zinc and iron in dried beans, seeds, nuts, and leafy green vegetables like kale.
Vitamin B12, which is important for manufacturing red blood cells, is not found in plant foods. If you don't eat meat, you can find vitamin B12 in eggs, milk and other dairy foods, and fortified breakfast cereals. Vegans (vegetarians who eat no animal products at all, including dairy products) may need to take vitamin supplements. If you're thinking about becoming a vegetarian, talk to your doctor or a registered dietitian about how to plan a healthy, balanced diet.
Common Concerns
Lots of teens wonder if they should take vitamin or mineral supplements. If your diet includes a wide variety of foods, including whole-grain products, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, nuts, seeds, eggs, and meats, then you are probably getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs.
But if you're skipping meals, dieting, or if you're concerned that you're not eating enough items from a particular category, such as vegetables or dairy products, then talk to your doctor or to a registered dietitian. These professionals can help you create an eating plan that includes the nutrients your body needs.
Check with your doctor before taking vitamin or mineral supplements. Some people think that if something is good for you, then the more you take in, the healthier you'll be. But that's not necessarily true when it comes to vitamins and minerals. For example, fat-soluble vitamins or minerals, which the body stores and excretes more slowly, can build up in your system to levels where they could cause problems.
If you do take supplements, you should be careful not to get more than 100% of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for a particular vitamin or mineral. The RDA is calculated to provide 100% of the dietary needs for 98.6% of the population. Chances are that's all you need.
There are hundreds of supplements on the market and of course their manufacturers want you to purchase them. Beware of unproven claims about the benefits of taking more than recommended amounts of any vitamin or mineral. A healthy teen usually doesn't need supplements if he or she is eating a well-rounded diet.
Your best bet for getting the vitamins and minerals you need is to eat a wide variety of healthy foods and skip the vitamin pills. You'll feel better overall and won't run the risk of overdoing your vitamin and mineral intake.
Updated and reviewed by: Mary L. Gavin, MD
Date reviewed: November 2006
Originally reviewed by: Jessica R. Donze, RD, CDE
Why Do Our Pets Need A Raw Diet? (
"A growing number of vets are stating that processed pet food is the main cause of illness and premature death in the modern dog and cat. In December 1995, the British Journal of Small Animal Practice published a paper contending that processed pet food suppresses the immune system and leads to liver, kidney, heart and other diseases. This research, initially conducted by Dr Tom Lonsdale, was researched further by the Australian Veterinary Association and proven to be correct.
Many of our pets' disease and suffering can be prevented or cured with nutrition. Processed foods and drugs have seriously depleted the natural vitality and immune systems of our pets. For a return to health, pets require a diet which strengthens the immune system and most closely resembles that which they would get in the wild"
Jesse Dallas
Choosing Your Pet's Diet, Written by Mike Wright D.V.M
Why do we choose the pet food we feed our pets? There are various answers to this question: a Friend or family member recommended a certain food and even a recommendation from the veterinarian. No matter who or what causes us to choose a pet food, the most important reason should be the quality of the food itself and what will keep our pet the healthiest.
Cancer is now the leading cause of death in our pets today. It seems 20 to 25 years ago when I graduated from veterinary school it was not unusual to see cancer in a 13 to 15 year dog or cat. In fact it was accepted as almost normal since an animal at that age was geriatric. Now in the past 10 years we are seeing an epidemic of cancer in our dogs and cats, it is not in those geriatric animals, but in what I call the middle age animals (5 to 10 years old). It seems almost every day in practice, either I or one of the colleagues, I work with, sees one or more cases of cancer. In addition to cancer we are seeing an abundance of the other chronic diseases such as arthritis, skin problems, ear problems and immune mediated diseases. There is a plethora of information in the veterinary literature offering treatments for all these maladies, but I don't hear much discussion about what is causing all these problems. I believe it a combination of diet, environment and genetics, but I put a heavy emphasis on diet because we all eat everyday. Even if you take the best genetic specimen (animal or human) on the planet and feed them a poor quality diet, genetics can not overcome the effects of poor nutrition. However if you take a pet with poor genetics and feed them a high quality diet the weakness in the animal's genetics does not get an easy chance to express itself. For that reason I believe the main emphasis needs to be put on nutrition so we will begin our discussion.
It is important to understand what Canines (canidae) and Felines (felidae) are anatomically. They are classified as carnivores. Carnivores according to Webster's are animals that eat raw flesh (raw meat). If we were living in a utopian world, allowing our pets to go out and hunt for themselves would be the best. This is not practical, so we must consider our alternatives.
How can one prevent the body from depleting its own supply of enzymes?
Excerpt from Pat McKay’s animal nutrition site:
"Cooked food is dead. Everything in a can or a bag is cooked. All processed foods for people or animals have been cooked, sterilized or pasteurized, which means all the enzymes that are needed to digest and utilize the food are destroyed. The saying "We are what we eat" is not exactly correct. We are what we utilize. Live food is essential for health. It is the ultimate source of life. There is no other way to be disease free. No matter who tells you that a certain brand of commercial food or home cooked food is healthy, it is not. It is dead; no enzymes, no friendly bacteria. Veterinarians, animal nutritionists, pet store owners, store clerks, authors of nutrition books or anyone else suggesting cooked foods are not familiar with what foods and supplements are necessary for health. If they were, they would not be prescribing, suggesting and selling cooked foods for carnivores. ALL canines and felines were designed to eat RAW food. The key to health is keeping live foods in the body. Live foods have enzymes, little protein molecules, which are essential for digesting food, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, for repairing all tissues, organs and cells, and functions so diverse that it is impossible to name them all.
Animals and people cannot exist without enzymes. It is a myth that you can take supplements and make up for enzymes. Supplemental enzymes, vitamins and minerals can be very helpful, but they do not make up for RAW food.
Commercial foods or home-cooked foods arc DEAD!
Commercial foods - No Enzymes
Commercial foods - No Friendly Bacteria
Over worked pancreas breaks down the immune system
Fatty Acids arc turned to Fat...Grease (no nutritional value and impossible to digest)
“The Doctor of the future will give no medications, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the causes of disease.”
Thomas Edison.
Anna Maria Gardner M. A. Vet, MRCVS
Both dogs and cats are members of the class Carnivore, which means they are basically carnivorous animals, and evolved to get their nutrition primarily from meat, bones, and organs of the animals they could catch or scavenge. Dogs have been more opportunistic carnivores and can survive as omnivores. They would scavenge other animal's prey, as well as hunting in packs, though wild dogs in Africa can reach speeds of more than 40 miles an hour, and have been known to chase prey for over an hour. Cats would catch smaller animals and rodents and both species would hunt, eat and then fast until the next hunt. The fact that both cats and dogs are true carnivores can be seen both by their digestive tract and teeth, as well as both cats and dogs having sharp claws for both hunting, and defense, as well as holding their prey for eating after that catch it. The cat cannot sustain its life unless it consumes meat in some form. Dogs, however, are able to survive on plant material alone, and they do not have to consume meat but they are by nature primarily meat-eaters and definitely do best when fed what their bodies have evolved to eat over many thousands of years. Just because by definition they are omnivores (can digest and utilize both plant and animal food sources) does not mean that plant material alone makes a good source of nutrition for the dog. This can be seen by studying their anatomy, physiology and behavior.
Dr Gardners' entire article is here if you want to read it.
Kymythy R. Schultze is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and Animal Health Instructor
As Kymythy Schultze points out "A carnivore's body has been designed to derive its needed nutrients from raw food.
Cooked food takes longer to digest and therefore requires more of the animal's energy.
Heat also destroys enzymes and antioxidants, which are very important for good health. In fact, enzymes are needed for every biochemical activity in dog's or cat's body.
The body has a limited supply of its own enzymes. It is designed to consume enzymes in raw food.
When the pancreas is called upon to produce enzymes because the ingested cooked food has none, the pancreas must enlarge and work harder than it is designed to.
When stressed, the pancreas sends white blood cell, or leukocytes, to the digestive system to aid in digestion. But when the leukocytes use their enzymatic activity to aid digestion, they are less able to help destroy bacteria and foreign invaders in the body and this impairs the immune system."
Cooking food also transforms its essential fatty acids into trans fats dangerous toxins that weaken your pet. Heat destroys many vital amino acids, vitamins, and minerals.
And why add a little vegetable for a dog’s diet?
In nature, carnivores would get predigested vegetation after capturing an herbivore that had already digested the vegetation. So remember that you are building a prey animal to your pet, which probably has a pretty small stomach, so you must provide raw ground vegetables as well as raw meat, to have a properly balanced meal that is as close to what Mother Nature would provide as possible. Cats don’t have the necessary enzymes to break down raw veggies so steam or cook them when making a recipe that calls for this.
Anything we learn that brings us closer our animal friends enable them to live an optimal quality of life contributes to the well being of us all.
"Let food be the medicine.” - Hippocrates
What Veterinarians are saying about the raw diet..
Do dogs or cats require grains in their diet?
Russell Swift, D.V.M
Carnivores cannot make a large quantity of amylase enzyme necessary to properly digest and utilize the carbohydrates. Amylase is the enzyme that is needed to break down grains.
T. J. Dunn D.V.M
"There is ample proof that today's pet dogs and cats do not thrive on cheap, packaged, corn-based pet foods. Dogs and cats are primarily meat eaters; to fill them up with grain-based processed dry foods that barely meet minimum daily nutrient requirements has proven to be a mistake."
Joe Demers D.V.M
"Another reason for overweight pets is what we feed our pet friends. Commercial pet food is anywhere between 45 percent to 65 percent carbohydrates (grains). Grains are the least expensive part of pet food and can fill the animal quickly. Dogs and cats are more carnivores than we humans are, and we are feeding them almost as much grain (or more) than we humans eat. I feel that this high-carbohydrate commercial pet food is the worst food we can feed our pet friends. Our pet friends need fresh meats, not dehydrated meat by-products. 1 also feel vegetables are an excellent source of fiber and moisture as well as sources of natural vitamins and minerals for our pet friends."
Russell Swift D.V.M
At the recent American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association Conference, I discovered that I am not the only one questioning the use of grains in commercial and home-prepared pet foods. Grains, such as oats, wheat, rice, barley, etc, are composed mostly of complex carbohydrates. They also contain some protein, fiber, B-vitamins and trace minerals. However, they are NOT part of the natural diet of wild dogs and cats. In the true natural setting, grains hardly exist at all. Wild grains are much smaller than our hybridized domestic varieties.
This means that even a mouse or other prey animal is not going to find much of its nutrition from grains. Therefore, the argument that "dogs and cats eat animals that have grains in their digestive tracts" doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Prey animals that live near farms or other "civilized" areas are likely to have access to grains. This is not a truly wild diet.
What other clues do we have that grains are not necessary for carnivores?
1.) Dogs and cats do not have dietary requirements for complex carbohydrates.
2.) Grains must be cooked or sprouted and thoroughly chewed to be digested Carnivores do not chew much at all.
3.) The other nutrients in grains are readily available from other dietary ingredients. For example, B-vitamins are found in organ meats and trace minerals come from bones and vegetables. (Unfortunately, modern farming has striped many trace minerals from produce and supplementation is usually best.)
Why have grains become so "ingrained" in pet feeding? To the best of my knowledge, grains were mainly introduced by the pet food industry. The high carbohydrate content provides CHEAP calories. In addition, grains assist in binding ingredients. We have become so used to feeding grains to dogs and cats that most of us get nervous when we decide not to use them. I know people who have been "grain-free" feeding and doing very well. My own cat is one example. What are the negative effects? I believe that carnivores cannot maintain long term production of the quantity of amylase enzyme necessary to properly digest and utilize the carbohydrates. In addition, the proteins in grains are less digestive than animal proteins. As a result, the immune system becomes irritated and weakened by the invasion of foreign, non nutritive protein and carbohydrate particles. Allergies and other chronic immune problems may develop.
Short intestinal tracts and not enough amylase enzymes, cannot break down and use, the carbohydrates in the grains.
The grains containing gluten, in the kibble causes chronic yeast infections.
The glutens can cause intestinal disorder
Grains have no Nutritional value.
Grains are fiber ....... More stool!
We feed more grains to our pet than we eat and they are true carnivores.
Dr William Pollak D.V.M
"In the wild, no one cooks for the coyote or wolf; no one brushes their teeth. Their foods are raw and unprocessed." "Processed foods and drugs have seriously depleted the natural vitality and immune systems of many pets. Whereas large amounts of red meat can cause cancer in humans, a lack of RAW red meat in an animal's diet can lead to serious health problems. Animals require the enzymes, amino acids and other nutrients in the raw meat in order to stay healthy. Many skin and coat problems are a direct result of a lack of raw animal fat in the diet; fat which humans often believe is bad for their pet. Animals need at least 30% raw fat, and their systems are not designed to handle cooked meat or cooked fat. Restaurant grease has become a major component of feed grade animal fat over the last 15 years. Often held in 50-gallon drums for weeks or months in extreme temperatures. This grease is usually kept outside with no regard for its safety or further use. The rancid grease is then picked up by fat blenders who mix the animal and vegetable fats together, stabilize them with powerful antioxidants to prevent further spoilage, and then sell the blended products to pet food companies. Rancid, heavily preserved fats are extremely difficult to digest. And can lead to a host of animal health problems, including digestive upsets, diarrhea, gas, and bad breath. In the wild, a panther or jackal does not barbecue, grill or smoke its prey.
What Veterinarians are saying About the Raw Diet....
Dr. William Pollack D.V.M ---Continued
It definitely does not walk to the local supermarket to buy dry food either. Yet most pet owners recoil at the thought of feeding raw meat to their dog or cat, concerned about bacteria or parasites, Dog and cat digestive systems have evolved over millions of years to consume a raw diet, and they can tolerate foods containing a wide range of naturally occurring bacteria. You've probably seen your dog enjoy eating something you consider disgusting and wondered why he doesn't get sick."
The digestive systems of dogs and cats are short, acidic, and handle bacteria well. This is why they are not susceptible to salmonella, parasites, or e-coli from tainted meat as humans are. Humans have very long
digestive tracks which allow food to 'linger' for 24 hours or more, thus allowing more time for parasites to get into their blood streams. And you know how much some dogs relish something old and really gross! Canines eat not only fresh prey, but also old buried meat that is teeming with bacteria. Your dog and cat adequately defends itself against bacteria daily. Bacteria are not a problem for a pet with a strong immune system, and a strong immune system is encouraged by eating-appropriate raw food. "Malnutrition and the toxic condition of the animal fed commercial diets can result in the inability to digest and assimilate basic food components of the fresher, more wholesome type such as raw food."
If you are transitioning your pet to a raw food diet, or if raw food is not the way you choose to feed your pet, you may want to consider adding Digestive enzymes to your pet's diet. When pet foods are heat processed, as most are, enzyme concentration is significantly reduced. For this reason, adding digestive enzymes to your pet's food will enhance absorption of nutrients. Feline Instincts' add enzymes to all their products. Enzymes are destroyed during the heat processing of your pet's food, yet are required for proper digestion.
Concerned about salmonella and other bugs? The digestive systems of dogs and cats are short, acidic, and handle bacteria well. This is why they are not susceptible to salmonella, parasites, or e-coli from tainted meat as humans are. Humans have very long digestive tracks which allow food to 'linger' for 24 hours or more, thus allowing more time for parasites to get into their bloodstream's.
Benefits of a raw diet
Using raw meat, organic vegetables and supplements
Reduction of: Improved
1. Allergies 13. Better Skin
2. Indigestion 14. Healthy Skin
3. Weight Problems 15. Shinny Odorless Coat
4. Constipation 16. Cleaner Teeth
5. Ear & eye problems 17. Clear Eyes
6. Hyperactivity 18. Healthy Gums
7. Aggressive Behavior 19. Digestion
8. Arthritis 20. Increased Energy
9. Flea Problems 21. Small Less Smelly Stools
10. Diarrhea 22. Increased Coat Growth
11. Irritable Bowel 23. Confidence
12. Expensive Vet 24. Alertness
Things To Know
Most healthy dogs and cats transition without difficulty immediately. Some benefit from a 7 to 10 day transition period. Where you mix their old food with the new raw diet foods, gradually reducing the quantity of old food and increasing the new until your pet is eating all raw food. Cats by their very nature may transition more slowly.
The main thing to remember is having patience!
Up to a month into the raw diet, some dogs and cats bodies are ridding themself of an accumulation of toxins from their former diet. These detoxes can happen periodically throughout the diet but should not last more than several days. After a period of detox you'll notice that your fur friend looks and feels better than before the detox started. If your pet experiences symptoms similar to detox that last longer than a few days contact your Holistic vet and have them look at your pet to insure that it isn't something other than a detox. Your vet can also add a remedy to help the detox go easier. Cats may go through a period of detoxification where they may experience loose or mucous stool, their coats may get worse before they get better, their eyes may begin to run or their ears might get gooey. Skin is even more itchy than normal. All of these are positive signs..
90% of All Diseases In Animals Has To Do With Poor Diet.
Once your pet is receiving the proper nutrition, you will see all the difference in the world, even if you thought you already had a healthy animal!
A raw food program will enable you to solve many of your animals’ ailments such as allergies, arthritis, ear and eye problems, heart, liver, kidney and bladder dysfunctions, skin and coat disorders, weight problems, constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, fleas, parasites and more that may have plagued your animals for months and years.